You're From Out Of Town

1 year ago

When meeting a beautiful woman, you will eventually have to learn her logistics, to be able to determine what moves you can make, in terms of, whether or not she is available to go home with you that night, or whether or not you have the option to set up a date for another day, etc.

One of those logistics is figuring out where she lives.

Now, you can't just say "where do you live?". That's going to make her say "why do you ask?", because it's clear you have a reason to why you are asking.

Rather you could make an assumption, and say "You look like you're from out of town?". That will give you the information that you need.

She will respond with "Yes" or "No", and you can have her elaborate a bit from that point on, to gather better insight to what moves are available to you.

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