CTP S1EFebSpecial (20240207) Valentines "Human Connection" Special BTS/SP Video

11 months ago

S1EFebSpecial#1 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Feb 7 2024 and thereafter) at: http://buzzsprout.com/2210487 )...
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EFebSpecial#1) "Human Connection - Valentine Special"
No, not discussing "Valentines Day Massacre" LOL. I Welcome Chantal Landreville to the Show to discuss her forthcoming book (Pre-Sales on now) that is dropping on Valentine's Day (Feb. 14th 2024) titled: "Raise Your Love Signal." As a "play" (as I propose, yes LOVE/Valentines Marriage/Fiancee' pun intended, in this episode) on the traditional "Sweets/Treats for your Sweet" (variation on the "Box of Chocolate in the Heart shaped box" and more interactive/shared) indeed "Sweet" or "cheap" to share a Banana-Split (one dish, two spoons) at the Sweet-Shop for Valentine's Day Dessert? Is it "nice tradition" or "unimaginative and lame" these days?!?! External Beauty (which is indeed in "eye of the beholder") is wonderful, but internal Beauty (Content of Character) is the best foundation for a long-term solid/sound/lasting Relationship. The Tale of the two Emma's. More...
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of/for this Show for "Episode related additional information."
Transcript Bonus: No Transcript Bonus this episode!

Episode related pieces...
- https://raiseyourlovesignal.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/holycowcreamerywyandotte/
- The need to be "Healthy" Physcially and Emotionally: https://WebMD.com
- No corresponding TLB Ariticle this coming Sat, see related B4IN (BeforeItsNews) pieces...
- https://beforeitsnews.com/christian-news/2023/11/your-christitutionalist-politics-awakening-2619081.html
- https://beforeitsnews.com/christian-news/2024/01/christitutionalist-politics-2-2620304.html
- https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/14103337-christitutionalist-politics-s1edecspecial-dating-in-this-woke-day-and-age
- https://beforeitsnews.com/republican/2023/12/leftist-indoctrination-making-a-major-impact-on-the-dating-scene-in-these-woke-times-2445165.html
- https://beforeitsnews.com/market-research-reports/2024/01/can-one-generalize-about-women-voters-194494.html

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP)
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- CTP long-form description: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
- SUBSCRIBE to CTP: tinyurl.com/SubscribeToCTP
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter: tinyurl.com/FaithCasterNewsletterSignup
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest): tinyurl.com/FaithCasterConnections
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout: tinyurl.com/BuzzsproutSignup
- CTP Official Coffee: tinyurl.com/BlackOutCoffees (promocode: JOSEL20)
- CTP Official playlist: tinyurl.com/CTPMusicPlaylist
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App
- Joseph M Lenard - linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (JosephMLenard.us /\ TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(S1EFebSpecial#1 Audio: 40m 20s, Wed Feb 7 2024)

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...
YouTube: youtube.com/@jlenarddetroit1082/videos
Rumble: rumble.com/user/JLenardDetroit

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout (tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist)) for addl bonus material there-in.

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