February 9 - Exodus 30-32 - 2024 Bible Study

1 year ago

Our Chronological Bible reading plan for February 9, 2024 is Exodus 30-32.

We are believers of Jesus reading and studying the Bible together in chronological order. This video podcast is a chronological Bible study companion.

If you are interested in chronological Bible study, the Bible In Order podcast is for you! We provide daily Bible study devotions to compliment your Daily Bible reading / Chronological Bible Reading in a year guide.


In this episode, David Doty explores the themes of sacrifice, obedience, and reflecting God's glory. He discusses the significance of incense and how it represents the aroma created when we lay down our lives for God. Doty emphasizes the importance of presenting ourselves as living sacrifices and allowing God to purify us. He also delves into the story of the Israelites creating an idol and Moses' interaction with God. Doty encourages listeners to wrestle with God and challenge His will, ultimately inviting them to join him on the journey of reading the Bible.


Sacrifice and obedience are essential in our relationship with God.
Presenting our lives as living sacrifices creates an aroma that pleases God.
God purifies us through challenges and trials, refining us like precious metal.
Reflecting God's glory brings joy and fulfillment to our lives.
We must be cautious of the temptation to create idols and worship anything other than God.
God invites us to wrestle with Him and challenge His will.
Engaging in a personal relationship with God requires honesty and vulnerability.
Reading the Bible is a transformative journey that deepens our understanding of God.


00:00 Introduction and Overview
01:02 The Significance of Incense
02:38 Presenting Our Lives as Living Sacrifices
04:21 Reflecting God's Glory
05:26 The Temptation to Create an Idol
06:32 Wrestling with God
08:01 Challenging God's Will
08:35 Conclusion and Invitation

Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bibleinorder
Check out the BIO (Bible In Order) website: https://bibleinorder.com
Listen on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-bible-in-order-a-chronological-bible/id1662626225
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7Lzs7k7HdEJ8XY5riX9qQF
David's personal real estate website: agentdaviddoty.com
REALTORS® click here: www.joincallitclosed.com

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