THE BALANCE OF LIFE ( Poem Video) by Brian Hoff

1 year ago

THE BALANCE OF LIFE ( Poem Video) by Brian Hoff
January 2024
Hey Everyone! My mother read this poem to me and wanted to read it to you.
The poem "The Balance of Life" is a prayer inspired by Ecclesiastes and
I hope the words lift your hearts to meet life's challenges with love and compassion

The Balance of LIfe ( Poem Video )
by Brian Hoff (
A Prayer Inspired by Ecclesiastes
Beautiful Piano by LesFM promoted by Chosic
Poem from New American Revised Edition Catholic Youth Bible from Saint Mary's Press

The Balance of Life

God of all seasons,
Help me to remember the sun when the rain is falling.
Help me to remember the rain when the sun is shining. Teach me to respect the seniors when I am a sophomore. Teach me to respect the sophomore when I’m a senior. When I win in the field, let me remember the times I lost. When I lose on the field, let me remember the times I won. Guide me to appreciate studying when I’m taking a hard test. Guide me to appreciate the hard tests when I’m studying. During times with friends, remind me of times alone.
During times alone, remind me of times with friends.
Help me to live all moments and remember
There is a balance to life.

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