'InSuRrEcTiOn!' and 'WoMeN's RiGhTs!' | Wed 2-7-24

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"Insurrection" phoniness! Calls on immigration, "racism," VP ideas. Self-destructive women's rights: Andrew Tate, aborsh, preemies!

The Hake Report, Wednesday, February 7, 2024 AD

0:00:00 Start
0:00:47 Topics: iNsUrReCTiOn! Self-destructive feminism!
0:02:35 Hey, guys! Pelagic tee
0:04:23 Strange interlude w/ JLP off-mic (Teacher! Homework!)
0:05:05 Pelagic tee cont… Brown!
0:07:09 J6 14th Amendment "insurrectionist clause" (Couy!)
0:21:13 Ketanji Jackson vs Clarence Thomas
0:26:12 SEBASTIAN, TX: Legal immigrant! "Hate!" Shots!
0:29:26 SEBASTIAN: Illegals voting, bribery, LatinX
0:37:10 SEBASTIAN: Stop Asian Hate, black targeting, values
0:41:23 SEBASTIAN: "Woke" Filipinos; Slaves and Overseers
0:47:07 Super: Toddler surfing lessons?
0:49:53 Super: Bipartisan border bill? (ScottAdamsSays X post)
0:56:00 Starflyer 59 - "things like this help me" (2001, Leave Here a Stranger)
1:01:43 Super: Not gay music!
1:03:16 DAVID, KS: VP pick Larry Elder
1:10:16 DAVID: Could you not support Trump, any policy?
1:12:50 DAVID: Tucker interviewing Putin
1:15:08 Super: Ronna McDaniel vs Michael Whatley (GOP chair)
1:16:56 Super: Nick's best hair!
1:18:15 Super: US headed to depression!
1:19:13 Super: Filipino caller, immigrants, working
1:22:42 FRANK, CA: I'm Mexican, love whites, cordial
1:25:53 Gen Z boys against feminism, ok with Andrew Tate
1:32:02 Andrew Tate hate; Psychotherapist interview (feminism cont…)
1:37:12 Aborsh rights in France
1:40:52 Preemies more common in US (older women, obesity)
1:47:56 Super: Joke about aborsh and black Americans
1:48:56 Super: Civil War interest? "RePaRaTiOnS" opposition.
1:51:08 JAIME, MN: Took care of my wife! CJ was right!
1:51:59 Ninety Pound Wuss - "Broken Circles" (1997, Where Meager Die of Self Interest)

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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