Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 2-7-24 – Calvinism, Eternal Security, & Free Will

1 year ago

Is it any wonder we don’t, and cannot, have unity in the church this side of eternity? We have so many different interpretations of Scripture that are so far apart, it’s difficult to find anything about which we can all agree. How do we have common cause in the debate regarding pre-Tribulation Rapture versus post-Trib, or no Rapture, or no Tribulation? In the context of today’s Commentary, how do we who believe in free will (i.e. Arminianism of one stripe or another) and those who adhere to Calvin’s doctrine of election with no free will whatsoever on our part come together as one? Yes, presumably we all believe in the shed blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins and our eternal salvation, but even that has its major differences, as we’ll discuss later. We could probably all enjoy an ice cream social together as brothers and sisters in Christ as long as none of the conversation veers toward anything theological. Is it any wonder we have so many denominations and other schisms in the body of Christ?

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

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