Why Are We Letting Democrats Run The RNC?

1 year ago

As speaker of the house you don’t put up a vote that you know doesn’t have the votes to pass. Democrats rolled in Al Green in hospital garb to deliver the vote to kill Mayorkas impeachment. George Santos would have been a vote No on Mayorkas, Pelsoi would have never gotten rid of Santos.
Trump said Ronna needed to go. Ronna will step down after the South Carolina primary. After the NH primary Ronna tried to save her butt by endorsing Trump to get the joint fundraising agreement started. Vivek was right… Why are we letting Democrats run the RNC? Vivek did his job on the debate stage. The RNC was not going to support Trump. They were working to end Trump. Rumors are that NCGOP chair Whatley is the leading candidate to head RNC.
Nikki Haley lost to “None of These Candidates”. Do you think they know that Nikki is corrupt?
Tucker interviewed Putin yesterday. MSM is calling it treason when others in the past have interviewed Putin. Now who do you believe, Joe Biden and Joe Scarbrough or Tucker and Putin?

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