1916 Radish Curry

1 year ago

The Calumet Cook Book (1916)

½ cup rice
6 radishes
4 level tbs drippings
2 level tbs flour
2 green onions
1 level tsp curry powder
1 cup cold cooked meat
1 cup hot water or soup stock
Salt to season

PREPARATION: Put the rice over to cook in two cups salted boiling water. Put the drippings in a small skillet. Slice the radishes in three pieces into the drippings to cook slowly, till wilted. Draw to one side of skillet to make room to put the curry powder into the drippings, then put in the sliced onions. After a minute add the flour and then the hot water. Season with salt. When cooked up add the meat. Serve the rice on one-half of a small deep platter, put the meat on the other half. Decorate with slices of pimento arranged in rings with tiny spray of parsley in the center of each.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Probably not.
Notes: If I made this again I would use something other than the radishes.

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