Australian reporter accidentally slaps herself silly

7 months ago

Australian reporter Andrea Crothers met her match on the ‘Today’ morning news program last week – the twin terrors of belligerent mosquitos, and the irresistible force of her own hand.

Hot, humid weather and floods in Queensland created conditions ripe for mosquitos, and, during a live report no less, Crothers decided to take matters into her own hand. Channeling the ancestral fury of a thousand itches, she launched a furious palm straight into one of the mosquitos at speeds once thought inhospitable to the human condition. Sadly, that mosquito had taken up residence on her face, and before she or the mosquito knew what events were about to transpire, she had thrust her hand into her own face so hard that she slapped herself right off her own feet and out of the camera frame, much to the hilarity of millions of viewers around the country.

Crothers reappeared later in the program heavily armored in a mosquito net. It might protect her from insects, but it definitely did not protect her from embarrassment, and that hand probably needs registering with the police as a deadly and hilarious weapon. Fortunately for the rest of us, there’s a new epic facepalm meme just begging to be made, perfect for when someone on Reddit says literally anything.


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