Jesus: The Author of Our Faith

8 months ago

Jesus: The Author of Our Faith
Looking unto Jesus, the author
and finisher of our faith,
who for the joy that was set before Him
endured the cross, despising the shame,
and has sat down at the right hand
of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2

Jesus is the Author of Our Faith. He not only began writing the story, but He also finished the manuscript. A book is usually good because an author put it all together. Just as an author sees a problem and scripts a solution, Jesus saw the sin problem of humanity and scripted a solution. Just as an author develops the storyline or plot, Jesus saw what He had to do and developed a plan to save humanity. Just as an author chooses the right words to express his story, Jesus is the Word who expressed the story of salvation in His life (John 1:1). Just as an author develops characters or actors to live out the story, Jesus became the central character of salvation. Not only is Jesus the Author of Your Faith, but also He has finished your story. Most people say, “I could never write a book.” In the same way, others say, “I could never hang on to salvation.” But it’s not about your ability to finish, for He’s the Finisher of your faith.

Lord Jesus, I am in You—the Author—so I know my salvation story will be completed.

Jesus can finish your salvation story because He finished His own story. He went all the way to the cross, endured suffering and took all the ridicule. Because He finished His task, He will help you finish yours.

Lord Jesus, I look to You for strength when I am weak. I look to You to carry me through to the end. Amen.

Go Deeper: Matthew 27:15-34

Because Jesus finished His task in providing salvation, He can see you through to the end.

Tomorrow...Jesus: A Nazarene

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