If I Were The Devil By Paul Harvey | dlrose10

1 year ago

In his 1965 speech, "If I Were the Devil," Paul Harvey paints a chilling picture of the devil's sinister plan to conquer the United States. He envisions the devil starting by subverting churches, sowing seeds of doubt and lies to divide congregations and distort the truth about the Bible. He then moves on to target families, schools, and nations, pitting them against one another.

Harvey imagines the devil using tactics like promoting lurid literature, encouraging drug use, and refining young intellects without disciplining their emotions. He predicts a rise in crime, the normalization of gambling and promiscuity, and the decline of traditional values like hard work, patriotism, and moral conduct.

In Harvey's vision, the devil would use the media to fan the flames of division and encourage the undressing of society in public. He would lure people into bed with diseases for which there is no cure, and continue to do what he's always done to maintain his grip on the world.

Harvey's speech serves as a timeless warning to be vigilant against the devil's tactics, urging listeners to be on guard against the forces of darkness that threaten to engulf the world in darkness.

Release Date: 2010
🔗 All Credit To dlrose10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGrWvrGDOXg
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