pony, hemolymph, animal death habits

10 months ago

23-10-31 Don't Kill the Cat! Episode 5 - spooky beasts (halloween special)


00:00 wooooo!
00:22 DKTC!
00:24 opening
00:30 overview

00:40 "trick or treat!"
03:32 zombie - culture / tradition

08:57 pony - zoology / biology
11:48 hæmolymph - biology / chemistry
15:27 where do animals go when they die? - zoology / behaviorism

18:35 closing
19:32 DKTC!

Social Media

- contact - instagram.com/kuchesezik
- youtube.com/dktc0
- odysee.com/@dktc
- rumble.com/c/c-5352710
- dailymotion.com/dktc
- instagram.com/dktc0
- tiktok.com/@dktc000
- twitch.tv/kuchesezik


- brave.com
- one.livesplit.org
- wikipedia.org
- search.brave.com
- youtube.com
- duckduckgo.com
- google.com
- wiktionary.org
- etymonline.com

- Boris the Cat - commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mime_cat.jpg
- YouTube Automatic Subtitles - only the source language subtitles have been proofread and edited; you can take advantage of automatically translated subtitles in over 40 other languages but keep in mind there might be errors and unintelligible inconsistencies
- Apple iOS Speech - English (UK) Daniel (Enhanced)
- ChatGPT (on the Quora site)

green insect blood:
- https://indianapublicmedia.org/amomentofscience/green-blood.php
- https://indianapublicmedia.org/amomentofscience/green-as-blood.php
- https://www.researchgate.net/post/Why-some-of-insecte-have-green-colors-Which-pigments-are-present
- https://naturenoon.com/insect-blood-colors-types/
- https://www.quora.com/Why-do-bugs-have-green-blood

animal death habits:
- http://deadanimal.org/where-die/
- https://relevantradio.com/2022/09/where-do-animals-go-when-they-die/
- https://www.mercurynews.com/2010/09/27/gary-bogue-cats-wild-animals-where-do-they-go-to-die/
- https://www.quora.com/Where-do-animals-die-when-they-die-a-natural-death-I-mean-I-have-never-seen-a-dead-cat-or-a-dog-for-example-unless-killed-by-a-human-or-another-animal-or-killed-by-accident-like-falling-off-a-balcony

Gear / Tools
- tinyurl.com/muehk8fm

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