Who Caused the Massive Influx of Chinese Illegal Immigrants Showing at the U.S. Southern Border?

1 year ago

02/05/2024 Nicole on GRANT STINCHFIELD TONIGHT SHOW: The CCP kleptocrats along with the U.S. elites, and the globalists caused the massive influx of Chinese illegal immigrants showing at the U.S. southern border because the whole trade policy does not benefit the ordinary Chinese people. They can not be self-sufficient so they have to flee their own country and come here and become the cheap labor and take away the American people's well-paid, high-quality manufacturing jobs. Let's not forget that it's the failed U.S. policy toward the CCP.
02/05/2024 妮可做客GRANT STINCHFIELD TONIGHT SHOW:我们都知道是谁导致了中国非法移民在美国南部边境大规模涌入。这是由中共盗国贼、美国精英以及全球主义者造成的,因为中美贸易政策并没有让普通的中国老百姓受益。他们不能自给自足,只能逃离自己的国家来这里成为廉价劳动力,并夺走美国人民高薪、高质量的制造业工作。别忘了是谁造成了这个问题,这是美国对中国共产党采取的绥靖政策、互动政策以及美国领导层的软弱所致。

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