5 More Tips to Prevent Heart Attack | Dr Gina Pritchard

11 months ago

5 More Tips to Prevent Heart Attack | Dr. Gina Pritchard

Heart attacks are optional. You can take control of your heart health. I'm Dr Gina Pritchard, founder and director of The Prevent Clinic, specializing in cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment. Here are tips that can help lead you to a heart healthy life.

00:19 Intermittent Fasting and Heart Health
Number one. Intermittent fasting reduces inflammation. When you give your body a break from constant eating, it triggers a process called autophagy where your cells clean up and get rid of old damaged stuff. This cleanup crew helps reduce inflammation.

00:37 The Keto Diet for a Healthy Heart
Number two. Try Keto for heart health. Embrace good fats, kick carbs to the curb and treat your heart to a wellness journey.

00:48 The Importance of Sleep for Heart Health
Number three. Sleep. Six to eight hours of restful, restorative sleep on a regular basis is vital for heart health and has numerous other health benefits.

00:59 Laughter: The Best Medicine for Your Heart
Number four. The more you laugh, the less likely you are to die from a heart attack. Embrace the power of laughter. Keep your heart smiling and laugh your way to cardiovascular health.

01:13 The Role of Intimacy in Heart Health
Number five. Sexual activity can add years to your life. Regular intimacy has been linked to lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease. That's right. Sex can increase your long-term survival and your quality of life.

01:30 Taking Control of Your Heart Health
You have the power to take full control of your heart health, and possibly even reverse heart disease.

For more information, resources, and support on your heart health journey, visit https://skipyournextheartattack.com. Let's embark on this journey together

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