Hebrew calendar default iphone

10 months ago

13 month Hebrew year hidden from those desired as cattle. The solar is a calendar and earth is a clock. The moon and suns tick. The earth will reflect the time. Go to settings- calendar- default calendar- switch to Hebrew- use dif functions. Select the day and the alternate holiday calendar that keeps the Hebrew calendar and national standard calendar in line so they know our day and theirs. Typical 28 day months & 13 month year. I believe they alternate the leap year to stay in line with lunar years but I’m still learning. They use the solar system in every day life and with out their calendar it’s another secret of the universe removed from history nearly 3 centuries ago. As long as we fail to pass down our true account of history our people will be simulated by manipulation of free will not removal. Free will is the only thing keeping us with the power to choose our destiny. You are a super computer. God is everything. God is you & I. Let go of man’s teachings & all new religion. Time is written as it is, as it was, & how it always will be. If you don’t study every religion and search out the scriptures removed from all ancient religions you will fail to identify myths as history. Your heart and spirit holds the truth in your being. We must question every thing & reject the hiding of stone depictions. Never let digital worlds rule information. Gather as people to share accounts or they’ll be changed with the wind. When knowledge is taught your dna files it safely. Burning of books is an act of war and only death shall should stop your attack. Writings are only a backup when teaching is plundered. You a super computer and information of the world is within. You can feel it right now as your dna pulls the file. When you seek the truth and listen only with your eyes, ears, and true desire all will leave your senses and you can go anywhere in time. Walk by sight. Faith is service of your own demise.

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