7 months ago

This is utterly insane.

There is so much to go through here, it is going to be difficult to remember everything I was thinking as I watched the videos.

To start with, people are obviously going to be killed by this treatment, the only question is how many and how quickly. The fact that not only has nothing been done about the covid murders, and people are also still taking the gene therapy, makes it self evident that nothing will also be done about the forthcoming cancer murders. Also, as the patients already have an extremely limited life expectancy due to the cancer that would make prosecution unlikely.

I noticed that they have yet again changed the definition of "vaccine", and moronic sheeple are happily going along with it, without any question at all. I have to wonder just how far you could push these sheeple, do they even have a limit? If you told them people could now self identify as doctors would they accept it? If you told them a gay man who self identified as a doctor could stick his cock up your arse, call it a rectal examination, and charge you for it, would the sheeple drop their pants and bend over? Could they get away with calling the gay man's semen a vaccine?

I have to ask why they are calling another of their poisonous gene therapies a "vaccine"? It could be just that it improved sales so well last time that they decided to try it again. But, if you listen closely to what is said it is only currently that they are administering it to already sick people, suggesting in the future they plan to attempt to roll it out for everyone including healthy people.

Suspiciously they are very coy as to the exact mechanism as to how their poison will work. With the covid they took a computer model from the Chinese, found a unique spike protein in the model, and designed a gene therapy to force the victim's body to manufacture said spike protein, the victim's immune system was supposed to produce antibodies which would eliminate both the gene therapy spike protein and the covid. Obviously there will be no Chinese model forthcoming to treat cancer. So what are they doing?

In the video they say they make the victim's own immune system attack the cancer? But they don't say how they make the immune system do that. Are they doing as with the covid and making the body produce something the immune system reacts to, or does the gene therapy induce the body to produce an antibody already targeted at the cancer? If the gene therapy is directly forcing the body to produce antibodies why didn't they do that with the covid? That would have eliminated all the spike protein damage people suffered. And, where did they get the original antibodies from to program the body to produce more of? Are they using other cancer patient's immune cells as a model for what they want all patients to produce? If they are using the two step process they used with the covid they wouldn't be forcing the body to make spike protein. What would they use gene therapy to force the body to produce so that the immune system reacts to it and produces cancer antibodies? Something that looks like cancer, but isn't? A new molecule that resembles cancer but self destructs after a set number of days? I don't know the specifics of what they are doing, but it seemed clear they did not want to state them on video.

If this is another case as with the covid where they are making the body produce something for the immune system to react to what about shedding? We know that the covid gene therapy sheds, however we seem to be somewhat fortunate in that it is only the spike protein and not the gene therapy that is shed. Supposing the same happens with this cancer treatment and it is not the gene therapy that is shed, but instead whatever the body is producing is shed, what is it? What can we expect these patients to be shedding?

I wish that instead of a sales pitch we could get some journalists asking questions. But, that never happened with the covid, so it is hardly surprising that it is not happening now.

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