Charles Malet & Rachel Mathews on The Abi Roberts Show - 05 February 2024

11 months ago

On today's show, Charles Malet discusses Policing common purpose infiltration, army, Putin, are Brits up for a revolution. Later, Rachel Mathews discusses Colchester and Stockport councils, green agenda, grassroots activism, why are they lying about the climate?

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Charles Malet is founder of Unbound Today, a British-based campaign to seek truth and restore freedom. He’s a writer for UK Column and a former police officer of the Gloucestershire Constabulary. Charles resigned from the police over the introduction of divisive and discriminatory COVID-19 policy and legislation. He has travelled and worked in many parts of the world, visiting some of them as an infantry officer in the British Army.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Rachel is the creator of Colchester Council Watch and grass roots campaigner against the climate nonsense.

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