Develop Spiritual Strength - Spencer W. Kimball

10 months ago

"Develop spiritual strength in yourself, and there will be felicity in the family. Righteousness proceeds outward from the individual to the group. We will find that if we are converted (through studying, searching, and praying), our immediate desire is to want to help others. True conversion causes us to want to reach out to the living and to the deceased to do what we can to help in each case. If we are truly converted, we will also want to provide for our own in the fullness of what welfare service means.

When the Savior said, “When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” (Luke 22:32), he was reminding us not only of an obligation we have, but also of the reality that we really can’t strengthen our brethren much until we are personally converted."

Spencer W. Kimball, Boys Need Heroes Close By, LDS General Conference, April 1976

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