New York Father Loses Custody of Son After Refusing to Transition Him

1 year ago

New York Father Loses Custody of Son After Refusing to Transition Him

Dennis Hannon lost custody of his nine-year-old son after a four-year-long legal battle.

This all started when his ex-wife began treating their son as a girl at age three, calling him Ruby Rose, without telling Dennis.

Things got more intense when Dennis found out that doctors recommended puberty blockers for his son, even though no doctor said the son had a condition called gender dysphoria.

The court decided against Dennis, saying he wasn't supporting necessary medical care for his son because he didn't agree with the treatment.

Dennis spent $150,000 on trying to fight this in court, and after he lost, he had to pay even more money for his son to see a therapist that the court wanted.

Despite all of this, Dennis shared that a year after the court's decision, his son went back to identifying as a BOY.

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