The Word of God: Jesus, Scripture, or Both?

8 months ago

There are many instances where we find the phrase "word of God" in the New Testament, but as always, context is everything.

search "word of God"; then "λογος"

#Bible #Jesus #truth

Salvation is an offer of adoption that you accept by trusting the Jesus who rose from the dead. It's a gift, so you can't earn it or work to keep it; you can only live in humble gratitude for it.
Jesus is the only way to be reconciled and adopted by God as our Father. This is the Good News! Jesus Christ died for our sins according to prophecy, then he was buried, and then he was raised on the third day according to prophecy.
When we accept this Good News, we’re sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, guaranteed eternal life and cleared of all charges. Then we live to please our Savior.

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