Trump Empowered the Fed & the Welfare/Warfare State. Geopolitics & Empire - David Stockman

1 year ago

Trump Empowered the Fed & the Welfare/Warfare State. Geopolitics & Empire - David Stockman
David Stockman does indeed have the Experience and Credibility of an INSIDER. But his Credentials are mostly from Working Within the Cabal Network Itself. And he may be Biased about Trump. But he worked in the Reagan Administration, and there was a hell of a lot of Malfeasance During Reagan as well. But these are Definitely some Valid Points and things that we should Concider Seriously...
(((A REALITY CHECK: To be Fair. America under Trump was doing Far Better than most other Nations Ecomomies. The International Banksters and Mega Corporations have the entire world pushing towards the Brink of Annihilation.
But, there is NO EXCUSE for Allowing the COVID Pandemic to have ever occured. The Enslavement Systems that were Put Into Place, the Destruction of the Global Economy and the Collapse of Small Businesses is unexcusable. We Are Still Suffering from That Mistake, and Businesses are Still in the Process of Collapse.
And 3 of the Biggest Weapons of Technocracy and the Great Reset were Given the Green Light and Full Funding by President Trump. I of course speak of his Executive Orders on mRNA, Artificial Intelligence and 5G/6G
Yes, a Second Trump Presidency seems Amazing compared to the Alternatives. Yet I Will Remain Extremely Uneasy No Matter Who Sits in the Oval Office)))
February 4th, 2024
Geopolitics & Empire - David Stockman
About David Stockman:
David A. Stockman is the ultimate Washington insider, starting a career in Washington in 1970, when he served as a special assistant to US Representative, John Anderson of Illinois. In the early seventies he was executive director of the US House of Representatives Republican Conference and was elected as a Michigan congressman in 1976 before joining the Reagan White House in 1981. Serving as budget director, he was one of the key architects of the Reagan Revolution plan to reduce taxes, cut spending, and shrink the role of government. He joined Salomon Brothers in 1985 and later became one of the early partners of the Blackstone Group.
The author of The Triumph of Politics, Stockman has numerous New York Times bestsellers under his belt. Born in Ft. Hood, Texas, he attended Michigan State University and Harvard Divinity School and then went to Washington as a congressional aide in 1970. He lives with his..
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