Is Zelensky Blackmailing Obiden?? | Rudy Giuliani and Roseanne Barr

11 months ago

Rudy Giuliani suggests that "Saint Zelensky" is blackmailing Joe Biden because he has bank account numbers and files on him that no one else does:

"Zelensky's mentor was the biggest money launderer in Ukraine. Zelensky knows the whole story. He knows a lot that I don't know. I can give you half the documents. He's got the whole file. Which means, if he says Joe I need 60 bill: Joe says, Yes sir...
Joe I need another 20 bill..

You want to see the other pictures of Hunter?

What about the foreign bank accounts. Joe you know we put a lot of money in foreign bank accounts for you?

But I have the bank accounts numbers. What do you think would happen if we started opening those bank accounts. You better give me the 60 bill..."

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