Poisoned by a Vaccination John Berchielli

1 year ago

A close friend of mine is struggling for his life after mysteriously coming down with Guillain-Barre Syndrome and a stroke after receiving a TDAP Vaccine! He is a former 7 year volunteer and Nemesis of Dr. Richard Pan. In this video we take venture to Sutter Roseville to hear what John has to say about Dr. Pan and ‪#‎SB277‬ Please like comment and share and lets get some attention to the 20k plus people a year that are coming down with this syndrome! #SB277 ‪#‎CallingOutDrPan‬ ‪#‎GuillainBarreSyndrome‬ #hope4john

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Source: https://youtu.be/QoR1uPXZ1mE?si=MKHMTSCACfBbWfDW

This video is from ramessesnightingale channel

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