February 6, 2024

1 year ago

Join the award winning author, #darlenegaston , for a once a month online meetup to discuss #timetoreallylivefree. For seven months, beginning March 7th, every first Thursday (except July will be the second Thursday) from 6pm-7pm (PST) we will come together and you will:

✨Gain freedom in your walk with Christ.

✨Better understand God’s forgiveness.

✨Be able to forgive yourself.

✨Learn the difference between living in the Old Covenant and thriving in the New Covenant.

✨Learn how important the soul and flesh is to a Christian’s walk.

✨Deepen your understanding of faith vs works.

✨Learn what your core beliefs are?

✨Learn if you can lose your salvation?

✨Understand the difference between the multiple Greek and Hebrew words translated as sin and what that means to your walk with Christ.

Seating is Limited. Save your seat on my website: https://darlenegaston.com/events/

See you soon!

#greatadventureconvo #bookclub #christianauthor #freedom

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