Remember the war inflicted on us...

7 months ago

Our governments worldwide declared war on their own people 4 years ago. Our leaders with the help of the Police forces , bullied and beat us into submission. Our rights disappeared overnight, the Police and Courts threatened us and fined us and imprisoned us , if we didn`t submit. This was outrageous, it was a nightmare! Now I know what the inquisition must have been like! People were imprisoned and mentally tortured, and physically locked down! This was destruction 21st century! How can our leaders pretend nothing happened! How can they pretend they haven`t destroyed thousands of lives worldwide! The jab has killed millions! And yet none of the main stream media broadcast anything to do with the last 4 years, except so called `inquiries` that whitewash the atrocities carried out by the so called `leaders`! It`s clear a shadow world government controls our cowardly leaders, and controls all the main stream media! Suddenly the media focuses all attention on the Russia Ukraine `war` and then Israel Hamas `war`. They continue to make the whole world suffer by increasing the price of everything and conveniently blame Russia or some other bogeyman. The war they started on us 4 years ago, will go on until they complete their plans. The plan is to totally enslave us, by enforcing a digital ID on everyone, and thereafter a Digital Currency. They will declare cash as illegal and shops and businesses will no longer use it. More information is coming out about what the jab contained, and it seems that there is an attack on the Hippocampus through the spike protein produced after receiving the jab. What does that mean? It means we lose the ability to retain our memories, and it causes our memories to be overwritten because our brains can`t produce the new index neurons needed to retain our memories. Masks also reduce our oxygen intake, and the first part of the brain to suffer damage after oxygen reduction is the Hippocampus. They want us to forget what happened and they want to overwrite all our memories. Watch the video by Dr.Michael Nehls, he explains it. So I think they`ll probably wait a year, so the jab will complete its work by erasing our memories, and then they`ll move to bring the final plan. I wondered why all governments insisted on the jab! Now it makes sense, they really pushed and pushed the jab, even though there were worse diseases in the world. They knew this jab was going to fundamentally alter people`s memories and thereby change who they are! Preparing to change people`s personalities into docile obedient slaves. They are waiting for this to happen on a world wide scale. Already you can see that societies have become docile, men have been emasculated. Did you notice in the video that none of the men fought to protect the people that were being attacked by the police? They just stood there recording it on their phones! Not one man lifted a finger to protect the woman and her child! Most people resisting worldwide are courageous women, what has happened to the men? It`s very sad. Don`t expect men to do anything when they start locking us down again! Imagine what the men will be like after the jab has another year to do its work! You`d better learn to say NO to the next time they try to enforce masks and social distancing, and lockdowns. Are you going to bow down or stand with honor and decency and courage?

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