8 months ago

Welcome to my channel, I am a Prophetess of the Lord, I deliver prophetic words, deep teachings as prompted and led by the Holy Spirit, I am a vessel to equip, inform and foretell what God wants to reveal to His saints, this teaching is on the great commission from Mark 16:14-18, it is a commission by Jesus to all of us believers, spread the gospel, cast out demons, speak in new tongues, take up serpents, and lay hands on the sick and they will recover, we are seated at the right hand of the Father with Jesus, we have heavenly authority, snakes are demon spirits that attach to your body and cause illness, sickness, etc., Go, therefore, and make, disciples, of, all, nations, baptizing, them, in, the, name, of, the, Father, and, of, the, Son, and, of, the, Holy, Spirit, teaching, them, to, obey, everything, I, have, commanded, you, and, surely, I, am, with, you, always, to, the, very, end, of, the, age,Jesus appeared to the eleven,
He rebuked their unbelief,
He instructed them to go into all the world,
And preach the gospel to every creature,
Those who believe will be saved,
They will cast out demons in His name,
They will speak with new tongues,
If they drink any deadly thing,
It will not harm them,
They will lay hands on the sick,
And they will recover,
This commission is for all believers,
To spread the message of salvation,
To every corner of the earth,
It requires faith and obedience,
It promises divine protection,
And empowerment by the Holy Spirit,
Jesus entrusts His followers with this mission,
It's a call to action,
To share the love of Christ,
And bring hope to the lost,
It transcends boundaries,
And reaches all people,
It's a commandment of love,
To fulfill the purpose of God,
The disciples were commissioned,
To be ambassadors of Christ,
To reconcile humanity to God,
It's a mandate for discipleship,
To make more disciples,
Baptizing them in the name of the Father,
And of the Son,
And of the Holy Spirit,
Teaching them to obey,
All that Jesus commanded,
It's a charge to proclaim the kingdom of God,
To bring about transformation,
And renewal in society,
It's a declaration of God's sovereignty,
And His desire for all to be saved,
It's a partnership with the divine,
To fulfill the purposes of God,
It requires courage and boldness,
To stand firm in the face of opposition,
It's a call to discipleship,
To follow Jesus wholeheartedly,
And make Him known,
It's a commission of empowerment,
To do greater works,
In the name of Jesus,
It's a demonstration of God's power,
To heal the brokenhearted,
And set the captives free,
It's a proclamation of freedom,
From sin and death,
To all who believe,
It's a call to repentance,
And faith in the gospel,
It's a commission for the Church,
To be the light of the world,
And the salt of the earth,
It's a mandate for evangelism,
To reach the lost,
And bring them into the fold,
It's a charge to make disciples,
And teach them to observe,
All that Jesus commanded,
It's a promise of the Holy Spirit,
To empower and guide,
In fulfilling the mission,
It's a command to go,
And make disciples of all nations,
Baptizing them in the name of the triune God,
And teaching them to obey,
Everything that Jesus commanded,
It's a commission to proclaim the gospel,
To every creature under heaven,
And make known the mystery of Christ,
It's a call to live out the gospel,
In word and in deed,
It's a charge to be witnesses,
In Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria,
And to the ends of the earth,
It's a mandate for unity,
In the body of Christ,
To work together in love,
To fulfill the great commission,
It's a promise of Jesus' presence,
To be with us always,
As we go and make disciples,
It's a commission to spread the good news,
Of salvation through Jesus Christ,
And invite all to come and receive,
The gift of eternal life,
It's a call to be fishers of men,
To cast out the net of God's love,
And draw people into His kingdom,
It's a charge to proclaim liberty,
To the captives of sin, a declare the year of the Lord,

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