Did you know the Nevada GOP Platform does not support the US Constitution?

11 months ago

Did you know the Nevada GOP Platform does not support a Convention of States as defined in the US Constitution 🤔

The NV GOP needs to decide whether they will support the US Constitution as a whole or pick and choose which parts they like just like the Marxists. 📜❌🤷‍♂️

We are asking that all COS supporters attending the NV GOP Caucus give the party representatives a paper with your name on it asking them to Support Article V by changing their platform. 📝✅

Right now their platform says they DO NOT SUPPORT a Convention of States as outlined in the Constitution. 🚫🏛️
Washington is broken and so is NEVADA. 💔 #NevadaGOP #ArticleV #Constitution #SupportChange #COS #GOPCaucus #FixIt"

Here at Convention of States we have a solution as big as the problem.

An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to PROPOSE constitutional amendments.

These are our three simple talking points.

1. Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government (including the president)
2. Limit the terms of office for federal officials
3. Limit the ability of Congress and the president to spend and waste our hard- earned money, via a Balanced Budget Amendment.

What can you do? 👈

Sign the petition:
https://conventionofstates.com/take_action 💪

#NVLEG #NVPOL #ArticleV #ConventionOfStates #TermLimits #WeThePeople #Overreach #constitution #republican #democrat #conservative #teapartypatriots #project #freedomdaily #rightwingnews #store #foramerica #draintheswamp #thesilentmajority #conventionofstateproject #history #policeofficers #thepoliticalinsider #sonsoflibertyradio

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