Certain Problems of a Boston School Lay-in No. 92

11 months ago

This is a follow-up on Talk No. 87 for Melih who asks about avoiding mud in the handling of edges, the use of mediums, and the difference between generally soft’ edges that are then ‘hardened’ vs ‘lost and found.’ in the start.

QUESTION: Several questions come to my mind. 1 If we paint two shapes next to each other with high contrast (let's say black and white) or with complimentary colors would not it be muddy when we try to sharpen/fix edges later. 2 in your approach do you start with thinner (also prevent mud and not use white early) and then get thicker (may be without solvent) and finally by using oil dense solvent to paint the details¿ And maybe some lines (like eye lashes etc)... 3 you try to keep almost every edge soft at first except some anchor points... Then as time goes you add some hard edges... You go fro soft edges to hard edges is it correct? Paul Thanks for answers in advance...MELIH

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