try calling me a fascist

1 year ago

I fucking dare you. those roots to 1637 do you think I would ever ever support such a thing? I scream for my own individuality I scream for my own suppressed voice in my opinion whether it makes heads turn or just go I agree or I totally disagree or I couldn't care less. I have the right to say it I have the right to feel it and I have the right to live it. we all do. if you cannot recognize that the current regime in charge are fascist. then you are my target. I'll not bend over backwards or come hell I high water try to convince you of such. you're already lost.
I'm just in search of targets. I need to know who to shoot. I need to know who the bad guy is. cuz if you're going to go to war, you better have an enemy and you better know him. or her. they come in all colors so see what economic means Jobs religions creeds colors oh did I mention colors? cuz that seems to be all that matters. they wanted a race war. where they're not going to get one from me. I know plenty of different colors that think like me. you're not after my color.

you're after my nationality.

I am an American and I stand proud being one. we have for nine generations and have helped found this country for the good I would hope more than the bad. I cannot claim 100% innocence. for I am not them. I am of them. there's a difference. when you know the difference when you live the difference you see the forest through the trees.

and this can be a beautiful Forest. it once was or what we thought was. apparently we're not done fine-tuning this project. because we are a project as a nation.
no one not one country on this planet has ever tried to do it look quite like we have. and that's what makes this nation great.
I come from the founders of the great experimentation. apparently it's lab day. you remember that from high school when you had to make sure you brought gloves? that you wore clothes that in case you spilled it was okay if they got ruined because it was lab day? oh you didn't do that? well I went to a school that did once upon a Time in a place we call Staten Island New York. a place that was an amazing place to grow up in and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I went to high school with cancer patients with Muslims with blacks with Puerto Ricans with Italian Americans first generation and exchange students. and that was just High School. I went to school with amazing people and some of them are lost on 9/11. I take that day as a holiday and it should be such. Pearl harbor Day that should be enough of a holiday. whatever happened to staying home on election Day? everyone had off it was a federal holiday when I went to school. and then one day they changed it

and then the next day they changed another thing. and the day after that they changed another thing and another and another which each day brings new change. and it's not the change that we need as a nation.

it's the change that fascist communist wants for America.

well being nine generations of a vested interest into this country I say no

I say no you're not taking away my country. I say no you're not going to take away my god-given rights and I say no you are not going to deny me my constitutional rights ever!

you with that type of thought or a foreigner in my nation but you are what I will forever fight. the fight will never end as long as this light is shining

this thought this experiment of a nation of man being free completely under the rights given to us by God except forever experiment. and it will not end

not if I have anything to say about it.

and I got nine generations speaking through me.

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