1 year ago

So the so called border security bill is so far away from American Security that it is a sick Joke. It's this easy to understand.... if the border is closed 30,000 Americans won't die at the hands of criminal illegals. As soon as the border is closed 300,000 kids and young people won't be molested and raped this year. Closing the border seems like THE ONLY SOLUTION for real security for Americans. The policitico's refuse to see the value of the American People and look the other way while they steal the American People's money to fund their own death, rape, and victimization. Every traitor needs to be punished to the maximum extent for causing the deaths, rapes and violence of millions of Americans for the last 25 years that they have allowed the border to stay open. It appear when the politico's make deals... Americans die. It's a lose lose deal. Give them what they want and Americans suffer and die, Refuse to give them what they want... and Americans suffer and die. Everything they do and suggest is un Constitutional in every way. Are you sick of it yet. Well, if you are call the Senators and Representatives numbers on the screen in the video, we have to put a stop to this murdering of Americans.

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