((Listen Closely)) Biden Speaks To Globalist As "New Colleagues" -Treason Inside

8 months ago

((Listen Closely)) Biden speaks to Globalist refers to foreign heads of state as "New Colleagues"

"Madeline Albright was right, America is the Central Nation, they all look to us, as my Colleagues now, and every time i leave, not a joke, whether i'm at the G7 or G20 they pull me aside and say we gotta win, we can't afford to lose"~ Joe Biden

Clarification: Madeline Albright Eugenicist and Depopulationist who wanted to lower the worlds population and was for killing 500,000 children in bombing raids and member of the WEF, Joe Biden signals to globalist friends, says he has to lead the great reset because all the countries are using America's power and money against itself for the sake of the WEF total global control, which would be high treason and calls for death by hanging by the Government- per the constitution if Joe Biden goes any further in trying to sell out America into UN one world government, Joe will be headed to Gitmo.

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