'Devout Catholic' Biden Says He's Not For 'Abortion On Demand' But Roe Covered 'Three Trimesters'

1 year ago

The media loves to tout how President Biden is a 'devout' Catholic who balances 'hot-button' issues with his faith. On certain things -- like gay marriage and abortion -- there cannot be a 'balance.' You either follow Catholic teaching, or you don't. And Biden doesn't. Case in point: he criticizes Trump for saying he's for 'abortion on demand' and then goes on to say something revealing about Roe (and himself). Biden: "I love how Trump is saying Biden is for abortion on demand. That's not true. That's not what Roe v. Wade said. It said the three trimesters." -- Abortion during all three trimesters sounds pretty 'on demand' to us. Great. He just confirmed that he does believe in abortion through an entire pregnancy. Unless he thinks pregnancy is more than three trimesters, yeah. Or he's just pro-abortion. https://twitchy.com/dougp/2023/06/28/biden-says-as-a-practicing-catholic-hes-not-big-on-abortion-but-n2384893 -- He’s willing to restrict abortion in the fourth trimester.

Oh, not even then. Give them time. Remember Ralph Northam's 'keep the baby comfortable' discussion? https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/01/23/wi-woman-will-leave-if-she-cant-abort-full-term-babies-n2392061 -- We remember. It’s only the first 3 trimesters. After that it’s bad. Perhaps not, given the Democrats' views. -- Of course he is so unaware that the power is left to the states. He's unaware of a lot of things. What a world we live in! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GFi-uXHWAAAyQy5?format=jpg&name=900x900 -- Legalized infanticide. How noble of them. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GFmfN3IXEAE-JDV?format=jpg&name=medium -- Moloch would be proud. Biden promised to sign the so-called "Women's Health Protection Act," which would've codified elective abortion up til birth. So, yes, Biden has explicitly supported abortion on demand. Yes, he did. While the White House said no one supported abortion up to birth. https://twitchy.com/dougp/2023/08/24/jen-psaki-abortion-n2386538

There is no restriction on abortion that Biden and the Left would support. Ever. On-demand and without apology is their slogan.

• More at: Twitchy - Devout Catholic Alert: Biden Says He's Not for 'Abortion on Demand' but Roe Covered 'Three Trimesters'

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