Divine Health Belongs To Us

8 months ago

Disclaimer, I am not advocating anyone to stop their doctor’s medical treatment or medication protocol. This is for biblical believers, not professed Christians who do not ascribe to God’s words in its entirety. Or to those who have been taught wrongly on religious ideologies. This is meant for those who know who they are in Christ and their identity in Him and their inheritance. Scripture said in Galatians 3:13: "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us.” We are as believers, all children of God, through faith in Christ Jesus. But how strongly we believe we belong to God will determine our relationship with Him and our Lord Jesus Christ. We cannot get or receive anything from God without faith in His word, full confidence and assurance that what His word says belongs to us. We are not to permit wrong thoughts of unbelief, fear, deception or of bad reports to muddy our faith in the word. We are to apply the word to the sickness or the symptom. God’s word is right thinking and a good report. We are not denying the symptoms but denying Satan has any rights to our bodies. We are to hold fast to God’s inerrant word without wavering, without fear, regardless of the enemy’s opposition. If we resist the devil he has to flee. We must submit to God and take our authority over the sickness. Dodie Osteen and many others on the brink of death did it. Andrew Wommack's young son died in 2001 and was already toe-tagged and put in the mortuary cooler in the morgue. He and his wife prayed and God raised his son back up from being dead for five hours; completely whole. Mark 11:24 stated what things we desire, when we pray, believe that we receive them and we shall have them. Praise the Lord. If there are any sick among us we pray for complete healing for that person or persons. God loves us and He hates when we are hurt or attacked by the enemy. He gave us tools to defeat any attack of the enemy upon our families or ourselves. We must command the mountain (name the disease, or the sickness) to be cast into the sea without doubting. And say the faith command: for for example: Isaiah 53:4-5, 1 Peter 2:24, and Psalm 107:20. In Jesus’ Name. Then give God thanks and praise. Continue to live free by grace. Be Blessed.

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