February 6th – Patient to Doctor – FIX ME, DON’T MANAGE ME!

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Doug Talks About: Patient to Doctor - FIX ME, DON'T MANAGE ME!

Fix me! Stop managing my symptoms! Whether or not we like it, medicine has their own way of accommodating the symptoms and diseases that we patients suffer from. These are most often “managed,” but rarely fixed. How is it that medical schools teach our brightest and best students that they are not smart enough to fix patients, but only to “manage” each symptom with medication? Of course, managing symptoms works brilliantly within the halls of science, but does it work for patients, many of whom take daily medications for the rest of their lives? Also, as I have told you for decades, cancer and fungus share too many similarities to be coincidental. Can they sometimes be one-in-the-same? Today we will talk about two new scientific articles that add to the growing body of evidence that seem to support the fact both fungal cells and cancer cells can grow into large lumps. You're going to love this show! Join me and tell a good friend! - Doug


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