For The Bigots

1 year ago

[Reflective & Contemplative Poem Collection]

In many ways we are all bigots in some regard … but how many of us are ‘intolerant’ bigots? Yet again, how many are blindly or obstinately bigoted with regard to a belief or an opinion? Well, this piece is for all who are in any way ‘caught up in bigotry’.

Part of the 'Reflective & Contemplative’ Poem Collection which contains ‘an Analytical and Pensive blend of observational ditties and experiences.

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Poem wording:-

For the Bigots

I pray for the bigots
who wish not to see
the media slant,
on the facts that be.

The stupidity of
this ‘issue’
in our history.

I pray for the bigots,
who will not hear.
Who cannot perceive,
that God is near
and wish to hold their
own hearts in fear.

I pray for the bigots
who will not speak
and I ask …
“Whose appeasement,
do they think, they seek??”

It does not serve to
pretend to be meek,
while hiding inside,
a tongue, which is weak!

See. Hear. Say.
Or gifts and talents given,
will be further taken away.

Revisit the ‘tenets’ of your creed.
e.g. love, compassion, truth, action.

Righteousness is not a sin,
When it is imperative to act
and protect what lies within.
Not in violence, if possible,
But surely in voice and in stance,
now we have a government
leading the way for those cabalists,
seeking to remove this choice
and our chance?!

We do not let them win
in this ‘merry dance’?!
So, I pray for the bigots,
who wish not to see,
hear or speak.

As for the rest of us,
we will not be meek.
We will not be weak.

26th November 2023.
Reflective & Contemplative Poem Collection

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