LOOK OVER THERE! ~ Daily Chaos

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Why is it 'the news' always sells people and events that do little-to-nothing for us yet never debate those people and events that constantly attack every aspect of our lives?

UN Peace Envoy Winston McKenzie joins Alun McGarry, Marcus & Olly to discuss hyper-distraction and mass control.

Wanna call in? https://chao.click/zoom, else we'll see you in the comments.

Where to watch? https://chao.click/unn

Daily Chaos is back!
Tuesdays 7-8pm GMT, that's 2-3pm Eastern, on Revolution Radio and Unity News Network.

Great guests, brave whistle-blowers and on-the-ground international reports as we compare the tyranny, sugaring the pill with gallows humour.

Where to watch, listen or grab an archive?
Details at dailychaos.news/show.

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