Stay Close to the Fire in Your Business!

8 months ago

What You'll Discover In This Episode:
How to Stay Close to the Fire
Ways to Stay in the Loop
Your Personal Challenge

If you want to be successful and ignite your Network Marketing business, you need to “stay close to the fire”.
What does that mean exactly? In effect, staying close to the fire involves being completely plugged into your team, organization, company and the profession.

After all, when you carefully build a fire and strike the match, it will ignite!
In general, here’s five ways to stay in the loop and close to the fire to ignite your Network Marketing business:

Show up for trainings…team trainings, company trainings, zooms, etc. Just like a body working out, your skills and organization will certainly grow with consistent training.

Social Media
Get involved in the team and company social media groups. It's equally important to check in regularly, participate and invite others to join.

Attend local, regional and national events. It is important to be present as much as possible, especially if you want to be seen as a strong leader.

Engage with your team on a regular basis. It is particularly important to make yourself available to the individuals that make up your organization.

In addition to connecting with your immediate upline and downline, follow the producers in your company…the individuals that are participating in the activities it takes to support and grow their organization.

“DO what the do-ers are doing,

DON’T do what the don’t-ers are doing.”

I challenge you to take an honest look at yourself and your current situation. Are you doing everything you can do to stay close to the fire in your Network Marketing business?

Take a few minutes right now for a personal inventory. Are you plugged into your company and team’s social media groups; attending trainings and events; engaging with your team members on a regular basis; and surrounding yourself with the people making “it” happen?

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