Biden Weeping While Asking For A 'Truce' From Republicans Makes Me Want To Hurl

11 months ago

Full disclosure, I saw this post from Mario Nawfal about Biden CRYING while asking Republicans for a truce several days ago and I have had it in draft since. I kept thinking I would get to it eventually when I had time to really sit down and write something for VIP because this is the sort of nonsense I want to write about in the first person. Strangely enough, no matter what happens or how the news changes, Biden faking tears while telling Republicans 'we must not be enemies' seems to fit. Some posts and stories become dated, especially when you cover Twitter where a day is like a week in normie time. But not this. Biden is a phony all day, every day, and twice on Sundays so the timing of this piece, unlike other things and stories I cover, is irrelevant. It will still just be ol' Botox brain crying and trying to pretend he's not an authoritarian jackass who has spent a good bit of his administration 'othering' and even vilifying anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with him.

See for yourself: BIDEN TEARS UP ASKING FOR A TRUCE WITH REPUBLICANS | "WE MUST NOT BE ENEMIES" -- "At a moment of deep division in our nation, President Lincoln said, we are not enemies. He said, we are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. He went on to say, I've long believed we have to look at each other even in our most challenging times, not as enemies, but as fellow Americans. Scripture tells us the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. I believe that's our collective calling today." -- Scripture. Right, Joe. Tell me another one. You can always tell we're getting close to an election when the people knifing you in the ribs over and over intersperse that with public calls for bipartisanship and pulling together.

Exactly right. And it's easy for someone like Joe to talk out of both sides of his face because he's always been a fake, a fraud, and a liar. This comes naturally to him. He's the same guy who all but created the stigma around young black men being 'super predators' and then had the nerve to turn around and tell black people if they didn't vote for him, 'they ain't black.' Sadly, he got away with it because Democrats don't care if he's a liar. They don't care if he's a fake and has spent decades saying horrible things and pushing horrible policies. And if the DNC doesn't find a way to put someone else in Joe's place, the same people who elected him in 2020 (ALL 81 MILLION OF THEM) will try and elect him again. He'll come out and say he TRIED to unite with Republicans, he TRIED to unite the country … Because of garbage like this. Good ol' Uncle Joe.

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