Neon Dreams: An Electrifying Journey Through Futuristic Cityscape

7 months ago

Playing Image Telephone with AI to see how far, and how quickly, recursive generation-vision-generation, deviates from the original prompt.

Initial prompt created by 'gpt-4'. Images created by 'dall-e-3'. Descriptions created by vision model 'gpt-4-vision-preview', and read by speech model 'tts-1' with 'echo' voice.

-A sprawling, luminous futuristic cityscape, bustling with floating, neon carriages, interconnected skyscrapers draped in digital vines, and crowds of cyborgs with glowing codes etched onto their metallic skin, all reflected in the mirrored surface of a telepathic ocean.
-Oh, step into this electrifying dreamscape where the future dances in neon skies! We're gazing upon a dazzling metropolis, veins of digital lightning thriving through its heart
-Behold the luminous heart of a futuristic utopia, a tapestry of neon dreams amidst a stellar canopy of electric blues and radiant hues.
-Envision a metropolis sculpted from a tapestry of lights, a sprawling urban expanse reaching toward a mesmerizing vortex in the night sky.

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