Luciferian Rats With Chips (Bio-Robot Rat Controlled by Another Chipped Rat)

1 year ago

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All the Freemasons and Luciferians in the brainchip-hivemind are little more that rats, themselves, maybe even less, spiritually speaking. Actually the real rat ends up with a more worthy soul than all the murderous, genocidal thUgs who inadvertently decay and shrivel their precious soul-fragments by serving the devils who plan to destroy human genetics. We have Neanderthal genetics in us which make human genetics worthy compared to the lost vitality of Homo capensis genetics.

You see, these magnetic brainchips are for enslaving slaves. When you get a brainchip it will be used to enslave you. But since your Creator-God has placed you in a multidimensional universe, you will survive if you want to live and seek a successful outcome from the thUggery of the Luciferians with their hivemind and torture.

Luciferians are allowed to enter into their own probable worlds within the multidimensional universe where they destroy themselves... and their precious soul-fragments also. The old devils lie to the selfrighteous and those spiritual morons believe and serve those treacherous Homo capensis failed genetics.

Loving souls will be saving themselves and growing their precious soul-fragments into worthy souls. The Creator-God has no need to punish... the wicked instead destroy their selves. It is a marvelous training/filtering playground for burgeoning souls.

Polina Anikeeva tells you how technology is communicating with the biology with neurons:
Dr. Robert Duncan tell you Freemasons running governments around the world are torturing you and experimenting on you:
Duncan explain "Heterodyning" remote-controlling another body here: "The Matrix Deciphered"(look it up)
Captain Hoff is a Judas goat because one chipped rat heterodynes the other unconscious rat:

Jeff Rense in 2015 goes unconcious(not sleepy) and is remote-controlled into a car-crash and then in hospital he is conscious with his handler speaking words through his own mouth.... that is chip-to chip "heterodyning" just like the two rats.
Vincent Li on Greyhound Bus1170 is remote-controlled while unconcious and also hypnotized by the magnetic brain interface in 2008.
3 year old toddler Zhang becomes a bio-robot for Luciferian entertainment:

The Avatar and Matrix movie broadband didn't exist... so the remote-controlling of the avatars would have been impossible.
When Jake got lost in the Avatar Movie that would also be impossible because the wifi signal tracks every AP-address physical location. But you didn't realize this watching the movie.
The military could immediately have cut-off jake's "link" to the Avatar.

SpaceX is Freemasonry like NASA.
Starlink is the "Wide Broadband" that Polina Anikeeva was joking about. You see... the Luciferians are making the Avatar and Matrix and Terminator movies come to reality upon Earth with Starlink.

Bottom line is that the Creator-God has made a multidimensional universe where we learn lessons... The loving soul-fragments grow into worthy souls for a worthy afterlife. Murderous, genocidal thUg-soul-fragments hollow-out their precious probable-worlds through acts of hate and selfrighteous greed to become unworthy of an afterlife of soul-growth. By the time a thUg dies... the pattern of decay of the soul is set and that unworthy soul-fragment is safely contained within a spiritual box for the unworthy. There is no punishment required for the unworthy, there is no "Hell", there is no "Heaven." Homo capensis simply made that stuff up to manage their sheeple and sheepdogs.

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