The Crusher - Ep. 14 - Guest Lori Lowenthal Marcus - Standing Up for Civil Rights of Jewish People

1 year ago

Civil rights attorney Lori Lowenthal Marcus co-founded The Deborah Project, a public interest law firm that asserts and defends the civil rights of Jews facing discrimination in educational settings. Lori joins host Josh Brewster to discuss the importance of necessary action in this difficult time. Universities have turned a blind eye to the world’s oldest hatred, and our K-12 kids are fed a foul curriculum, breeding ignorance. Ms. Marcus has fought this legal battle for years, now working to extinguish the wildfire of antisemitism which has erupted since October 7 in virtually all educational platforms in California and across the country. Are we willfully blind? Are we ready to stand up for our rights? Check out this honest and important discussion.

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