How do we know about these catastrophes of the past?

1 year ago

Today, the number and intensity of cataclysms on the planet are growing exponentially. Humanity is facing a terrible catastrophe that occurs on the planet every 12,000 years, while every 24,000 years, it is more severe.
How do we know about these catastrophes of the past?
They left behind a layer of destruction known as the Usselo Horizon. This layer, composed of soot and wood charcoal and ranging from 5 to 15 cm thick, has been found in the territories of ten countries across four continents.
German geologists discovered that the layer formed during the massive eruption of the Laacher See volcano in Germany, and its ash was detected throughout Europe. Scientists attributed ——-
was found in North America and named the Clovis Horizon.
Traces of large-scale fires of the same period were also found in Siberia. In catastrophic floods, intensification of winds, and a rise in sea levels.

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