Twenty Entities Origin Exposed - Who Belongs to the "White Hats" & Who's Dark

10 months ago

Welcome Starseeds, as you might know right now that I don’t like to beat around the bush, let’s review the next 20 entities, and we will see who is awakened and who is a sleepwalker. Who is Light. Who is Dark.

1. Tucker Carlson – Awakened
2. John Zherka – Sleepwalker who’s start to see behind the veil
3. Jacob Rothchild – Dark Brotherhood
4. JFK Brothers – Awakened
5. Nicola Tesla – Awakened Master
6. The Bush Family – Dark brotherhood
7. Vladimir Putin – Awakened
8. The Iranian Republic Leaders – Dark Brotherhood
9. Anthony Fanucci - Sleepwalker motherfucker
10. Islamic Religion Figures – Most them are dark brotherhood
11. Sandguru – Awakened
12. World Health Organization – Dark Brotherhood Ass-Holes
13. Kim Jung Un – He knows what’s going on.
14. The Church and the Vatican – Dark Brotherhood motherfuckers
15. My Special Nina – Awakened Sweetheart
16. Red Pill Metaverse – Most of them are sleepwalkers
17. Rockefeller Family Bloodline – Dark Brotherhood Masters
18. Arianne from the Pleiadeans – This Double-D chick if on fire.
19. Three-Letters Agencies – You already know the answer for this one
20. My Brazilian Bithces – When they sleep, I’m going to awake them for sure.
That is it for today, See you soon.

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