The Marxist Murderers

11 months ago

Moses Mordecai Levy AKA Karl Heinrich Marx was an Ashkenazi Jew from a long family line of Talmudic Rabbis. How Ironic is it that the Leftist Marxist's who hate Jews and the Faux Nation of Israel have been weaponised and brainwashed by those they claim to despise!

This will be a bitter pill for some who believe the hoax that the synagogue of satan are God’s chosen people Israel , but facts will prove that Talmudic JEWS authored, created, promoted, and perpetuated Communism. Read the following documented quotations from their Pharisee, open sepulchre mouths . Their admissions condemn them. “Therefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:20

“Some call it Marxism - I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935
“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250
“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936
“Judaism is Marxism, communism”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64
“The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143
“We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.”
The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11
“The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.”
The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51
“It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.”
Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106
“That achievement - the Russian-Jewish revolution - destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920
“The Bolshevik Government of Russia is the key-stone of the arch of the proof

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