Seraphim Samuel live. 6th February 2024. 🌈Ascension Rainbow Portals.

10 months ago

📜🌹The Ancient Truth of ELOHIM is the OIL OF SALVATION that needs to be filled in our lamps, for our own salvation. This Oil can only be given to us by the True Watchman of ELOHIM - Seraphim Samuel🔐🌾.
Many run to the merchants for the rotten oil, but the Fresh Pure Holy Oil from Heaven, can be given only by the Righteous & Humble & Holy End Time Messenger of ELOHIM - Seraphim Samuel/Archangel Abbadiel - The 5th Angel of Mercy & Judgement.

It is the end for Atlantis/Earth warned by ELOHIM'S End Time Messenger. 📜🔐

His teachings on the 🔐📜🌹ANCIENT TRUTH of ELOHIM are taught in his live videos. The Ancient Truth of ELOHIM is the Hidden Gem, that many have rejected.

Thanks to the TRUE WEATHER ARCHER (Seraphim Samuel), who gives us the proper understanding of the Weather, we can know much in advance, what will become of certain countries, islands & continents.

Visit the Messenger's pages below ASAP, to hear what you all REALY NEED TO HEAR for your salvation & redemption. 👇👇👇

🔐 Seraphim Samuel

🔐 Steve Imanuel


🔐 Archangel Raphael

New Yahrushalayim has drawn Nearer. 🌹👇👇👇👇👇


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