ICU Guide February 5, 2024 - Updated guide to Operation Rainbow Action

1 year ago

atural essentials are love, laughing, learning, linking, living life to the fullest and being involved in efforts to make the world better and a place the Lord would want to be a part of. As above so below. As in heaven, as on Earth.

The ICU Guide was created to help inspire people, engage and inform. Hopefully it will help ignite each of our imaginations,instigate your own spiritual journey, help each of us to discover our purpose and find our cause. It's time to educate, energize, unify and activate all people everywhere that seek real solutions to the monumental challenges we face.

We can't get where we need to go without doing the heavy lifting,listening, learning, linking, laughing, loving and taking a leap of faith. By joining our efforts together and having a loving heart and good intentions, we can do this and be more united than ever..

The I.C.U. Guide is designed to help us find the way home. You're invited to follow the yellow brick road, find your path and discover your gift. Ask the Lord to light your fire. The 911 Annual Memorial Festival Benefit is coming to your area with many other special events. Many are posted on It's going to be lit!

*Robert Kennedy Jr.interviews
*President Reagan's speeches and especially A Time For Choosing speech before he was governor of California
*President Eisenhower farewell address
*President Kennedy;s last speech before the infiltrated by leftover Nazis CIA murdered him
*Dr.Steven Greer interviews
*President Trump's Inaugural speech in 2017
*Dr./pastor Martin Luther King Jr. I Have A Dream speech at the Republican President Lincoln monument in DC,
There are bookcases and the ICU Guide on the page along with a gallery and sharing links embedded. I.C.U. and T.L.C. will help us all be restored and shine. The song A Wandering Star from Paint Your Wagon with Clint Eastwood is part of this vision. Listen to the song There's Got To Be A Morning After that was popular when the movie with Shelly Winters , Red Buttons, Gene Hackman, Leslie Nielsen came out called The Poseidon Adventure and be inspired.

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