Podcast 02.05.24: Gospel of Peace Reading & A Message to the Leaders

7 months ago

Julie reads from the Essenes Gospel of Peace and tells us how we can apply the teaching to our lives.
You will receive advice on going within to do your inner work and hear that it must be done before attempting to affect the outer collective. The true leaders are given guidance and encouragement to be prepared for the new phases coming. All are encouraged to grow, spiritually, and be prepared for "seeding the New Gardens." Be blessed by the messages within, dear ones.

Speaker: Julie B.



This is an excerpt from The Essene Gospel of Peace.

"It is by love, that the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother and the Son of Man become one. For the spirit of the Son of Man was created from the spirit of the Heaven Father, and his body from the body of the Earthly Mother. Become, therefore, perfect as the spirit of your Heavenly Father and the body of your Earthly Mother are perfect. And so love your Heavenly Father, as he loves your spirit. And so love your Earthly Mother, as she loves your body. And so love your true brothers, as your Heavenly Father and your Earthly Mother love them. And then your Heavenly Father shall give you his holy spirit, and your Earthly Mother shall give you her holy body. And then shall the Sons of Men like true brothers give love one to another, the love which they received from their Heavenly Father and from their Earthly Mother; and they shall all become comforters one of another. And then shall disappear from the earth all evil and all sorrow, and there shall be love and joy upon earth. And then shall the earth be like the heavens, and the kingdom of God shall come. And then shall come the Son of Man in all his glory, to inherit the kingdom of God. And then shall the Sons of Men divide their divine inheritance, the kingdom of God. For the Sons of Men live in the Heavenly Father and in the Earthly Mother, and the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother live in them. And then with the kingdom of God shall come the end of the times. For the Heavenly Father's love gives to all life everlasting in the kingdom of God. For love is eternal. Love is stronger than death.

Message by Julie B
Dear ones, do you see that the teachings of the Essenes were written for all times, all generations, and especially for now? Our many guides speak the same language, only in different forms. The unity that I see in the advice, guidance and promises perfectly corelate with each other. This is what is called the synchronicity of the ages, which I’ve spoken about for years. The teachings of Enoch, 7th generation from Adam, and through each generation, thereafter, are perfectly conjoined to the present moment. The message has always been the same because it comes from our never-ending, never changing, ever-loving Creator. At the base of each language, each message, each scripture, each story, is the essence of Love. This is when we know we are hearing the correct message. Using your Gift of Discernment, you can decipher information by asking yourself, “does this message carry the essence of Love?” Your answer helps you determine the validity of the information. There are messengers bringing false information. They are identifiable by the vibrational frequencies of their message. Is it fear-based, causing fear, anger, confusion, depression, anxiety? If it is fear-based, it is not Love-based. This is your answer.

Words are used for powerful outcomes. They hold frequencies, which hold energy. Energy creates. Our thoughts attach to our e-motion, which is energy in motion. When we attach that thought, e-motion to the action of speaking out words, we create accordingly. Now, more than ever, this holds true, because more of humanity has awakened and, in the awakening, the original power of the original human becomes more intense with causal effect. Now more than ever, dear ones, we need to receive, open, and activate our Fruit of Self Control. Our thoughts are more powerful than ever. Our emotional state is more important than ever. Our actions and behaviors are more important than ever.

Message from your Angels
Humanity is in the blooming. Humanity is blooming in a New Garden. The seeds planted in the New Garden will determine the quality of the Garden. Noxious weeds will grow and will attempt to overtake the Garden as they have in the last time. The purity of the seed of Humanity will reign over the Garden through purity of thought, emotion and action. Be responsible gardeners of yourselves, dear ones. Be mindful of the noxious weeds. Do not give them space to overtake your new Garden. How do you do this? Mind your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Focus. Be in Joy, Love, and Peace, AS you remain watchful and in self-control. Do not allow the complacency to set in, as was done in the last time. When you are in self-control, you cannot be controlled by the noxious weeds. You have been asked to be aware of your Fruits of the Spirit and your Gifts of the Spirit for very important reasons which will assist you in maintaining your New Garden.
Much has been accomplished to prepare the soil of your New Garden. Much has been offered to each of you to purify and renew your seed. New energies coming in to your planet, into the soil of beautiful Mother Earth, healing her many layers of nurturing embodiment for all of you living upon and with her. Healing of the Waters, the land, the air, and the outer atmosphere, all that support your existence here, have been and continues to receive restoration and rewards for their loving, self-less support they have offered to all who have come to experience presence here.
The life forces that were put in place to support your existence and experience in this realm have done so at great expense of their own energies. The planet herself, Mother Earth, has suffered greatly for this extended experience and for countless generations and vast varieties of civilizations. Her suffering has not been in vain. Many have come and gone, and have attained great knowledge, wisdom, and consciousness expansion. All of these jewels will shine as stars in the New Gardens. Yes, there are many New Gardens, and you will choose which ones you would like to assist with the cultivation and maintenance of these new realms. Through the attained knowledge and wisdom, you have gained the necessary skills to do such Creative Work. Yes, you will collaborate with the Angel of Creative Work and with the Angel of Joy and with all the lovely Heavenly Father Angels and Earthly Mother Angels. You will be reacquainted with many other life forces which you have temporarily forgotten, as you could not allow yourself to remember them while experiencing your journey here. We want to speak more to you about the power of the Word.

In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word is Sound, Frequency, Vibration, Energy in Motion, which creates. This is our example. This is Creator. Creator was, is and always will be. Creator was in full motion, sound, frequency, and vibration, and in the most beautiful harmonics of Love, wanted to express itself. So, full of this Love, Creator burst out the Sound, the Word, and began expression. God said let there be Light, and there was Light…it was the Word that created everything you see and do not see, everything you hear and do not hear, all vibrations that you feel and do not feel. It was out of pure Love that Creator burst out in song, the Harmonics of Love and all that is, was, and ever will be, is of and by the Creator.
In the beginning was the Word. Do you see the power in the Word? As a spark of Creator, your word holds power, as well. Your words create, as well. Each thought, emotion and word are a creation into the field of life. That is the power you hold. That is the responsibility given to you to choose wisely. Will you plant seeds to help to create the beautiful New Gardens, or will you plant seeds to create another noxious Garden? Either way, you will participate in the one you help to create.

As you go through your days, we suggest to set your intentions for your day, as if you are setting up your daily planner for work.
Your intentions will create your outcomes. You get what you focus on because you insert your energy into whatever you focus on. Wisely setting intentions will bring you lovely outcomes each day.
As you go through your days, you are day by day building new creations and solidifying positive timelines. When you work on this individually you notice more abundance and fullness in your personal self. When you work on this within your groups, you notice atmospheric improvements affecting the collective.
This is where we need you to be in your Creative Work, now. You have learned to go within and start there, cleansing, transforming, creating your inner Peace, tranquility, and stability. We see now that you are prepared to bring that inner creation to your outer creation and as a collective.
You who are able to hear us, have evolved to much higher creative abilities. You have been Lighting up the collective and you are the ones responsible for raising the percentage of those who will be ready for the shift in this very special phase coming soon.
Some who think they are ready are not and we say that in Love to encourage self-reflection. We encourage some of you to continue your inner work before attempting to affect the collective. Without true inner healing and cleansing, the preparation of the inner soil we will say – you are not ready to be seeders of the New Gardens. Do your inner inspections for unchecked ego, anger, fear, jealousy, control issues – as in, have you been controlled by others and have not yet reclaimed your personal power? Check for victimization programming. This must be removed. Ask Holy Spirit to come in with you and do your inner checks. Ask loved ones, leaders, to assist you as needed. It is always necessary to have Holy Spirit as your guidance and advisor, and it is wise to ask for help from enlightened ones amongst you. If your actions and behaviors do not match with what you your words say, you are not in alignment and you are out of balance. If you speak about Love, but your body language speaks anger, jealousy, disunity, and overall negativity, you are out of alignment, out of balance and dishonest. You will not create positive outcomes until you do your inner work and correct and pull into balance.

As you learn that you are a creator, you must not allow that to inflate your ego and cause you to think that you do not need your guides, advisors, and angels to assist and support you with wisdom.

We are advising you to prepare your inner selves and create a strong sense of stability. Those of you who are leaders, remain humble and reliable, be ready to lead and keep your eyes and hearts on your leaders. Great change is coming to your world. The leaders we speak of are not political or religious leaders. The political and religious leaders are false leaders. Those of you who have ears to hear and have the hearts of lions within, know who you are and know you are a true leader. You will remember how to remain kind and gentle and powerful and ferocious, simultaneously. Yeshua the Christ is your example in every way. Keep your eyes on him. He is your leader. He told you he is the way, the truth and the life so that in the time of times when all folds up and the new unfolds, you are secure and stable.
Do not allow yourselves to feel disgust or judgement towards those who are not leaders and appear weak. You are here to assist and support them through this type of proper leadership. Love is your strength and shall guide you in your leadership. If you fall out of Love, you will fall out of your leadership abilities. All leaders at this time are carefully chosen and observed and will be held accountable for their appointed responsibilities. This is not meant to cause you stress. With your responsibility comes constant and supportive assistance. You will never be on your own to do this mighty work. We are with you. We serve Humanity and all life through our guidance which comes from Creator. Know that you are honored, admired, supported, and loved with an eternal love. All is well – this is true!

Closing prayer
Father, Mother, birther of the Cosmos, I thank you for this and all messages of encouragement, support, and guidance as we come to a close of a series of times which have been challenging, difficult, and even sometimes feeling unbearable, but through it all, you have been with us and have given us many helpers along the way. I know most of us are so looking forward to the New Gardens you speak of. Help us be the seeders of the beautiful, pure New Gardens. Let us see the exciting newness that these difficult times have finally led us into. Keep us out of fear, unforgiveness and all which feed the noxious weeds. Help us keep our faith and patience as we await the events that must come and help us remember that we need to take responsibility for supporting the changes by staying in your highest vibrational frequencies and sweet and loving harmonics which transform us into the Beings we need to be and which equips us with the seeds for the New Gardens. Thank you for never leaving us. With an open heart of gratitude and within the Light, Sound, Vibration, and Atmosphere of Yashua, I say let it be so and Amen.

Peace be with you, dear ones. Xoxo ~ Julie B

The Visioning with Julie B. Ministries channel opens a portal for all who desire to gather in Unity to learn, vision, create, manifest, heal traumas, collapse negative and construct positive timelines, and in so doing lift into 5D+. Here, we find rehabilitation through healing, creating freely and enjoying the fullness in Joy, Peace, and Love. In Shalom, you are welcome.

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