Biden Tells Voters He's Taking A Hard Stance On Snickers Candy Bars… Hear That Mars Global?

11 months ago

Biden told his Snickers "shrinkflation" story. I'm not sure what he thinks he's proving by telling a story from 2022. But the problem is not only doesn't it prove his point, it points back at him. He claims the bar was reduced in size, but didn't cost more. So you can't really cite that for "inflation." But secondly, and perhaps most importantly, the reason for the "shinkflation" is a simple one that traces back to Joe Biden. Why is it shrinking? Because of rising costs -- when you have "prices of raw materials and ingredients are at highs they haven't seen in decades." So you have to either raise the prices to keep up or shrink the product. It's something he complained about in South Carolina last week as he appeared to threaten Mars for shrinking the bars. How about stopping the spending which is what caused the inflation rather than try to randomly go after companies and act like a fascist? That's his first thought, and Democrats first thought for everything -- control.
• More at: RedState - Biden Makes Claims About Wages and Snickers Bars That Are Raising Eyebrows

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