How are Therapists Actually Leaving Children in the Talons of Abusers/Narcissists?

1 year ago
#mentalhealth #nightmareinhostagehills
It is a therapist’s job by legal and ethical mandate to practice within their realm of competence.
It is NOT happening and children are being left in talons of malignant narcissists/ abusers as a result of professional failure by clinicians and lawlessness within the #familycourt system.

If we do our jobs and learn the training I am offering you here in my series on domestic violence tactics and patterns of coercive control and in my case study #nightmareinhostagehills and professional Practice Manual for Providers here, we will skillfully, confidently, competently, and ethically practice within the evidence-based mental health practice of #narcissisticabuse, #coercivecontrol and #domesticviolence protecting children according to research, theory, and best clinical practices.
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