Jodie Meschuk on The Authentic Healing Podcast with Dr. Bradley Campbell

1 year ago

Jodie Meschuk is a hand-holder, professional wild woman, and lover of adventure. Provoking parents to think outside the box, she disrupts convention everywhere she goes, from her culturally relevant posts to her sassy Warrior Collection tees. You can spot her car by its pithy Warrior decals, which she initially designed with the school pick-up line in mind. An autism-turnaround expert, she has coached hundreds of families on their wellness journeys and shares her wealth of knowledge through social media, newsletters, videos, and one-on-one support. Nothing gives her greater joy than seeing children with an autism diagnosis healed and restored. She is Sweetie to Aaron, Mama to Lincoln, Marshall, and Adeline, and together they reside in Colorado with The General, a dappled dachshund with an affinity for socks.

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